What Newbies Need To Know About Investment Property Financing

Basics for Financing for an Investment Property You have big dreams of owning real estate and retiring young. You simply don’t have the funds to go out and buy the properties in cash (most of us don’t either). This leads you down the path of financing with your local bank. Maybe you already own your own home and have been through the process of getting approved and signing the mortgage. This should be easy then right? Wrong, investment property loans Read More

Real Estate Investing and Property Management in West Chester PA

Residential property management in West Chester, PA involves serving two different rental communities. The first community includes students who attend West Chester University. As certain geographic areas of West Chester do not allow student rentals, it is very important that you make sure what part of town your investment property is located. Student housing is very time consuming for property managers and requires extra man hours to serve their needs. For example, with student housing we get calls to change Read More