Habitational Insurance for Commercial Vs Residential Property

Multiple residence property owners have the daunting task of monitoring and satisfying the needs of a number of tenants. This comes with a slew of specialized risk management concern as well. Ownership of residential properties such as apartments, condominiums, and student housing creates a series of unique risks. As such, some research may be in order to procure the appropriate insurance for the properties being managed. Because different types of properties have different types of exposures, ensuring adequate limits and Read More

Quick Things to Know Before Selecting a Property Agent

Most people save money for years before investing in their first home. Expectedly, a considerable amount of homework goes in the entire process. Regardless of your experience in real estate, you should consider getting a property agent onboard for the deal. In this post, we will talk about a few aspects that you need to know. Do I Need Help? Thanks to the internet, a lot of people believe that searching and listing properties doesn’t require any expertise. Sadly, that Read More