Personal Property Vs Real Property – Understanding the Difference, Avoiding the Lawsuits

Let’s take a look at Personal Property as it compares to Real Property. This is a topic that comes up a lot when a real estate transaction gets difficult and the two parties (buyer and seller) begin to argue over what stays in the house and what doesn’t according to the contract and law. Personal property is defined as all property that can be owned and does not fit the definition of real property. In other words, if it is Read More

Why Road Frontage on Commercial Property is So Valuable

How many feet of road frontage does the property have? This question is among the most important when assessing the value of commercially zoned property in a city or county. For some, the reason as to why this question is so important may seem rather obvious. However, there are multiple reasons why investors, developers, builders and business owners want to have large amounts of road frontage on their commercial properties. For business owners, it is best for them to have Read More