Understanding Opportunity Cost When Investing In Property

While most investors have got involved in property investing because they understand the opportunities to make money through leverage and capital growth or high yields, I still see and hear of many who do not fully understand opportunity cost. Remember anyone that gets into property is usually in it to generate money or income – how many deals/properties you own is insignificant. So what does opportunity cost mean? Well according to the encyclopedia, “Opportunity cost is a term used in Read More

Why You Should Start Protecting Your Intellectual Property Even As a New Business Owner

New start-ups and business owners are often caught up in the day-to-day running of the business. From the perspective of new business owners – especially owners of businesses in the areas of training, speaking and coaching – landing the next deal, creating new programmes, and paying the bills seem to always take center stage. If you are a new business owner, or if you are new in the public speaking, training and coaching industry, this article is specially written for Read More