Investing For the Rest of Us – How Property Passes at Death

Death, Taxes, and teenage texting – these are the certainties of life. The tax code is far too complicated for anyone to understand, and why teenagers can text all day but never write a thank you note is an unsolved mystery. Death on the other hand is somewhat more straightforward. One day you’re reading the newspaper and the next day you’re in it. Let’s take a look at what happens to your property once everyone knows where to send the Read More

Overview of 1031 Tax Deferred Exchange

1031 Tax Deferred Exchange A 1031 Tax-Deferred Exchange is a transaction that allows property owners to preserve the full value of their investment property. A 1031 Exchange allows owners who decide to dispose of their investment properties, to do so and avoid having to pay capital gains taxes by allowing them to reinvest their sales proceeds for “like kind” properties. OVERVIEW The general rules governing a 1031 Exchange are fairly simple. Any kind of property (real or personal) can be Read More