What is Property Law

Property law falls into the common law legal system and concerns all aspects of ownership of ‘real’ property (land ownership as opposed to ownership of movable possessions) and personal property (movable possessions). The concept of property law has been around since the days of ancient Rome and the emperor Justinian’s Corpus Juris Civilis, which was concerned with dividing civil law into three categories: personal status, property and acquisition of property. The concept of property law as we know it today Read More

Property Claims Adjuster – What They Do

This professional is the one that processes insurance claims to determine whether the one insured is entitled or not to a payout. Many property claims adjusters work for insurance companies and they will be the ones that investigate claims that are related to homes, businesses, vehicles, and other insured properties. To begin the process the adjuster will speak to the one filing the claim to determine the cause of the damage. When there has been a legitimate insurance claim filed Read More