Illegal Immigration and the Quick Fix

Lord knows we must do something with the immigration issues and these problems along with all the protests are not going to go away anytime soon. Indeed the debate is heating up and getting quit fierce. So here is my idea; Allow anybody who wants so to come to the United States to get free hotel rooms for one month until the taxpayers can buy them a house. Give them all of the free healthcare checkups and do not make Read More

Yoga and the Middle Way

If you fall into complete non-doing (not getting up, not drinking water, not eating), you will most probably be dead in about a week. If you do too much (such as running nonstop across the Sahara), you will also find yourself knocking at Death’s door. Either extreme is a movement toward death. The ideal lies somewhere in between. Yoga and health are all about finding balance between opposing forces. Effort and rest. Elimination and assimilation. Yang and yin. Day and Read More