Attraction Marketing Principle – People Buy With Their Emotions

In attraction marketing we are looking for ways of attracting people to our product or our network marketing opportunity. When you realize how much buying is motivated by emotions, you will want to learn how to tap into emotions in marketing your products. Think of the last time you bought a car. What was it about the car that sold you on it? Was it the prestige that it gave you? Or maybe it was a sports car that just Read More

"Impositional Religiosity" – The Newest Category of Mental Disorders in the DSM – Satire

(Satire) Despite vigorous protests from Republican presidential candidates, the Vatican and preachers across the land, a new entry was added a few days ago to the authoritative Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (DSM). Social scientists termed the latest mental disorder, the 298th official entry, Impositional Religiosity. It means the unwelcome application of faith-based beliefs, dogmas, creeds and the like on the rights and preferences of others, particularly those without beliefs in, uses for, or intentions to adhere to Read More