Appreciation of Dermot P Morris

Dermot P. Morris It was August when I was born and I am truly grateful to Dermot P. Morris for his part in my incarnation this time around! I appreciate his clarity when he was aged 10 or so, that he would like to marry my mother. I appreciate his keen discernment of the character and beauty (inner and outer) of the woman that he would share his life with. I appreciate him allowing his own experience of learning and Read More

The 3rd Rule of Anger – Process it Using Three Techniques

Although you do want to experience your anger fully, you don’t want it to take you over and contaminate your actions. Anger can be an intense emotion. You may very well feel propelled to lash out or take some other action leading to undesirable consequences. Instead… The 3rd Rule of Anger: Process your anger instead of reacting to it. Use any or all of the following three techniques: Technique #1: Defuse your anger, using: Breathing: Take a few slow, deep Read More