The Four Types Of A Modern-Day Hippie

The popular hippie counterculture that started back in the 1960’s were indeed so popular that up until now, the concept and the culture still manages to live on. However, the years have changed the counterculture a lot as well. Despite the attempts of true-blue hippies to carry out and retain the genuine hippie spirit as they make the transition from vintage hippies to modern-day hippies, the modern times still caused various changes. Now, the modern-day hippie has four sides. The Read More

How to Seduce Your Wife Like an Animal?

If you want to seduce your wife, become an “Animal”. “You’re an animal, a wild animal – always hungry for her. Every movement of her body turns you on and transforms you into a wild, sexual beast. Your eyes, heart, and mind are hyper-focused on her. You want to grab her, throw her in bed, and ravish her like there is no tomorrow.” This mindset and approach always make her panties wet. A man with an animal passion offers a Read More