Real Estate, And Financial Planning: Best, When Used Together!

Many, often, articulate, some of the essentials, of financial planning, but, do so, without fully, paying attention, to what this should include, and mean! There are many necessities, including the need, to include, all possible components, which might enhance one’s ability, to be, as successful, from a financial perspective, as possible. However, many, only look at this, in terms of stocks, bonds, and other investments, without, fully considering, where real estate, should fit in, to the overall equation. It takes Read More

Do You Market, Or Sell Real Estate?: 3 Things To Consider

If you are a Real Estate Licensed Salesperson, or Associate Broker, etc, it’s important to consider, whether, you are selling real estate, or, in – sales, and, whether, you market, or sell properties, etc! While many, seem to believe, these are the same, in reality, there are some significant differences, in how one proceeds, acts, behaves, functions, and serves, those who hire him! Do you market, or sell real estate, or both? While there are many things to consider, this Read More