What You Need From Your Real Estate AGENT?

Why do some homeowners, decide to try, to sell their house, on their own, while most, depend upon, and rely on, the services, advice, and expertise of a real estate professional? If you didn’t benefit, from using an AGENT, why would anyone, take that course? Those, who decide to pursue, the For Sale By Owner, or, what is, often, referred to, as the, FSBO, approach, generally, state, they believe, they could achieve the same results, and eliminate paying commissions/ fees, Read More

How Real Estate Agents Should SERVE Clients?

As a Real Estate Licensed Salesperson, in the State of New York, for well over a decade, I have often been asked, why a homeowner, is better served, by choosing, and using an agent, rather than trying to do it, himself! Choosing the right representation, for you, means, identifying, clearly, up – front, what you consider, your primary priority, and closely examining your reasoning, and rationale! While it’s simplistic, yet true, to state, the right agent should, and must, SERVE Read More