Real Estate Disclosure Laws

These laws legally force the seller of a home to disclose to the potential buyer any serious defects of the property. The laws were created to help protect the buyer from any defects that were not noticed until they closed on the house and become the owners. Many times it is hard to enforce real estate disclose laws because what is considered serious defects may be open to interpretation. Because of this, the laws are constantly changing resulting in many Read More

5 Reasons, Real Estate Agents Must Recognize Fair Market Value

Since, for most people, the value of their home, represents their single – biggest, financial asset, wouldn’t it make sense, and be beneficial, when it comes time, to try to sell it, to hire a real estate agent, who understands the local market, and realistically, can evaluate, fair market value? For a variety of reasons, many homeowners have an unrealistic perspective of what the actual value of their house, and, when a house, is listed, at an unrealistically high price, Read More