Real Estate Investing in the Time of Covid

My, how things have changed – quickly! If you’re still investing, I’d love to hear how you’re adjusting and what you see for the future. I’ll start with some of the Covid changes we’ve already made. NOTE: Much of what I share is what we’re already experiencing and changing in our own business. Much is based on our 2008-2010 real estate investing experience. Don’t stop. Historically, real estate always works, you simply need to adapt to market changes. Therefore: stay Read More

Real Estate Agent Job Description

Real estate agents liaise between home owners and buyers to conduct the sale, purchase or rent of properties. They work for brokers and play a major role in assisting people buy or sell residential, commercial or industrial property. They keep and maintain an up-to-date account of property listing and other relevant housing information to stay abreast with properties available on the real estate market. They subscribe to several listing services to advertise and market properties up for sale. They also Read More