6 Commercial Real Estate Myths

There are a number of misconceptions floating around in the market when it comes to commercial real estate and it becomes important to identify them. These misconceptions can deter investment and risk-taking behavior that is required in this market to be a successful investor. You need considerable funds to start This is one of the most common misconceptions in the real estate industry, you don’t need to be swimming in funds to invest in your first property. Banks don’t only Read More

What Is Luxury Real Estate?

Luxury homes are in a league of their own because the criteria that determine a home luxury changes and is largely influenced by the clients buying high-end homes at any given time. Luxury isn’t strictly based on price. It’s a moving target influenced by a number of factors and primarily, trends. For an example, the market once considered luxury homes to be spacious mansions equipped with their own theaters and skating rinks. How times have changed! De-mansionization is the movement Read More