Choose A CARING Real Estate Agent

Whether you are looking to sell your home, or seeking to buy either your first house, or a new one, statistics indicate, those represented by quality, responsive real estate agents, generally, obtain the best/ finest results! In most areas, there are a large number of agents, to choose from, so doesn’t it make sense, to take the time, and make the effort, to carefully, interview several, and determine, who’s best, for you? There are many factors to consider, but, since, Read More

What Should We Expect From Real Estate, In The Near Future?

How might this pandemic, affect the real estate market, in the period, following the reopening of our economy? Will sellers, expect less, and change their expectations, in terms of price, etc? How many potential buyers, may no longer feel comfortable, in terms of their personal comfort zone, making a major economic purchase, after this extended period of consumer fears, income disruptions, etc? Will potential, qualified, buyers, feel comfortable, going to Open Houses, in the near – term? What other strategies, Read More