6 Keys Real Estate Selling Agents Must Use!

Homeowners, hoping to sell their homes, and potential buyers, who want to buy, the home, of their dreams, and what many consider, their part of the American Dream, need, and deserve, the finest possible, service, and representation, from their real estate agent! Licensed agents only make an income, when/ if, they bring about a meeting – of – the – minds, between buyer and seller, and, while, some, casual observers believe, this is basic, and obvious, it, actually, generally, requires Read More

5 Ways Low Interest Rates Impact The Real Estate Market

We are currently, undergoing, a period of time, when, mortgage interest rates, are, at, or, near record lows, for a significant period of time. This creates, a series of ramifications, and impacts, when it comes to real estate, especially, as it comes, to creating demand, and, the ability of potential buyers, to buy a home! Obviously, when interest rates are lower, a buyer is capable of buying a more expensive house (for his buck), because, the amount of monthly payments, Read More