6 Factors To Consider If You Seek A Real Estate Bidding War!

A wide – variety of factors, generally, determine, which approach, is needed, and best, when marketing, and selling a house. Some of these include: the type of real estate market; specific property, etc; time of the essence; supply and demand; property’s price range; and current, local competition. Under, certain, specific indications, the best approach, might be, to create some sort of bidding war, in order to create, the best possible price, in the shortest – period of time, with the Read More

Mastering The Real Estate Listing Presentation: 5 Steps To Address Concerns

Real estate professionals, often, use the expression, He, who has the listings, controls the market, and, the art, and science, of quality representation, requires, therefore, being, ready, willing, and able, to convince, homeowners, considering selling their houses, to hire him, as their agent! Generally, agents give listing presentations, to these people, and, in most cases, must, effectively, address the concerns, perceptions, needs, and priorities of these homeowners, to their satisfaction, in a thorough, complete, meaningful way. While, some seem to Read More