Is There Anything Called the Best Resveratrol? Know the Facts

Resveratrol is a bio flavonoid produced by certain plants to defend themselves from the attack of pathogens like fungi and bacteria. 70 kinds of plants produce this. But further research has gone into the plants that produce red grapes, mulberries, roots of Japanese knotweed and peanuts that synthesis this. While there is no difference amongst resveratrol produced by these plants, what is important is to select the best resveratrol supplement. I will explain the reasons. Resveratrol has antioxidant property. Since Read More

3 Tips For Healing Ovarian Cysts

Those little fluid-filled sacs that develop on the ovaries; the same ones that many women do not even know about – can actually grow to a size where they start to become of a nuisance to their owner. However, the good news is that around 95% of them are usually benign (non-cancerous). Due to this benign factor, most ovarian cysts are never actually treated, as they tend to clear-up by themselves. However, that is not a good enough reason to Read More