Science and Religion Interact More than They Clash

Galileo, Darwin, and Hawking: The Interplay of Science, Reason, and Religion Phil Dowe Grand Rapids, Mich. William B. Eerdmans Publishing Co., 2005. 205 pages. $21 paperback. Sixteen hundred years ago, Augustine decided that the best model for the science-and-religion interplay was one of interaction and in Galileo, Darwin, and Hawking, philosopher of science and religion Phil Dowe argues that pattern continues today. In his praiseworthy book, Dowe offers up four views of the science-and-religion relationship: naturalism, religious science, independence and Read More

The Science of Music is the "Tie That Binds" Religion and Science Together

The Science of Music will tie together everything that has existed from the time of the "big bang" into a musical vibration for the purpose of finding compatibility between the different kingdoms. This will aid in the healing of humans and the planet. To do this we need to expand our thinking and take music theory several steps higher into the field of science. In the beginning these will only be baby steps. As it is progressed it will eventually Read More