The Ugly Deceit and Horror of Religion

People go to church believing that they are serving God when in reality they’re victims of 666. My reincarnation and link to the Spirit of the Universe happened for a reason. Between lives a vision showed me that at age of 45 years my work would commence to overturn religious lies. At that time the power of the Spirit came upon me with such force I could not move a muscle and it commissioned me to “tear down the wall Read More

Prayer to Ganesha: On Religion and Writer’s Block

For those who are unfamiliar with the Hindu gods, Ganesha is the elephant-headed god of overcoming obstacles. He also happens to be the patron god of writers. Apparently writer’s block has been around for quite some time. I realize that a belief in multiple “gods” is considered sacrilegious by some. Both Christians and Muslims, for example, are quite strict about their belief in the One True God. But these arguments have arisen more from semantics than from any underlying philosophical Read More