God And World Religion: The Secret Identity Of "God" Exposed, Finally…

You may now have this 10,000 year Old “SECRET” that had been kept away from the general public by the “Power Elite” until now… Know the truth and set yourself free forever. Suffer no more. Rise and shine. It is your birthright… You may be worshipping the wrong “God” without knowing it because you were born into a family who belonged to a certain religion, and naturally, you now belong to the same religion and have never questioned their scriptural Read More

Does Religion Cause War? PART ONE

One often hears the lazy argument that “Religion” is responsible for Man’s wars, the assumption being that if we got rid of religion all would be peace and harmony. Presumably then, if all men abandoned the notion that they are spirits inhabiting a material body and conceived of themselves as mere animals fashioned by chance from mud our troubles would be over and we’d all be a lot happier. This is of course untrue and does not correspond with an Read More