Biotechnology and Religion

Biotechnology and religion often do not mix. Consider some of the major biotechnological advances that have happened within the past decade. With each news report outlining the benefits of the new technology, it also touches on the opposition, often by religious groups. Biotechnology and religion is a matter of ethics. Where do you draw the line between science and religion? Do religious groups have a right to try and intervene? Controversial sciences such as cloning and stem cell research will Read More

What Is Right? Philosophy, Religion Or Neither

I had a discussion with a great scholar about the mind and how it can believe anything it wants to believe, as well as find reasons to refute what anyone else believes. Philosophers all disagree among themselves on the most important issues, eg. God, morality, etc. Some prove the existence of God and the soul, while others refute their proofs, each side giving what seems to be convincing logical arguments. Logic can be used to prove and disprove anything, thus, Read More