The Religiosity of The Environment in Indigenous Africa: A Great Source of Conservation

The environment is seen as having a religious dimension that extends beyond its physical outlook in Africa. Many African societies revere the earth and its resources and treat it as sacrosanct. This may issue from their deep sense of appreciation for the numerous services rendered by the environment and its resources in their everyday life activities. To the African, a higher spirit is always responsible for any good deed that is extended to him/her. Therefore, when s/he freely gets assistance Read More


Science and religion have traditionally been treated like oil and water–they don’t mix. They don’t mix because we have been led to believe that religion is a form of subjective fundamental belief whereas science is objective veriï¬able phenomenon. In this article, I have developed a formula to mix science and religion and to explain that the concept of God has practical value only if we accept it as part of us. A scientist may ï¬nd difficult to believe that some Read More