So Who Invented God Anyway?

When we look back through antiquity it all gets a little wonky, but there seems to be a consensus that Zoroaster, from Iran/Pakistan, invented God. As a matter of fact, many of the middle eastern religions such as Judaism and Christianity can trace their roots directly back to this man. Even his pictures — pale face, brown beard, looking up toward heaven, resembles very closely the pictures representing Christ these days. But perhaps it’s better not to look too closely Read More

Easy Atheism – Truth Or Deception?

Some of the ideas about atheism are explained to make it so simple and easy, it is one of the easiest conversions available! Granted the big name proponents of New Atheism believe that religion is an unscientific folly and the source of world’s evil, and that once we rid the earth of such monstrous beliefs, we shall all be able to get down to the real job of creating a beautiful world of peace, prosperity and progress. But apart from Read More