Plato’s Ideal City – Part 3 – The Problem With Democracy

Plato criticizes the democratic city because, he says, under this type of leadership, everyone is free to do as he likes with no real respect for authority. Consequently, this unbalances the stability of the Ideal State and makes it worse. Plato goes on to say that the leaders in a democratic city are not required to have any training at all. Their only qualifications lie in their ability to make friends with the people. This point seems to lend to Read More

The Self Defense Company Review

Damian Ross from The Self Defense Company says that his system is “The most lethal martial arts/self defense program in the world”. I have used the program for over a year now and I believe without a doubt that up to this point in time that statement is unequivocally true. I have been into the martial arts thing about 20 years or so and I have always looked for stuff that I thought would be the real thing (Work in Read More