Medical Travel and the Cosmetic Surgery Scene in the Philippines

More and more people from all over the world are traveling to other countries not only as tourists who come for sightseeing and shopping but also to get medical, dental, and surgical services from hospitals and other health destinations. Medical travel is a rapidly growing industry with countries like Cuba, Costa Rica, Hungary, India, Israel, Jordan, Lithuania, Malaysia, South Africa and Thailand actively promoting it. The Philippines is also fast becoming a favored destination for patients seeking quality medical care Read More

Easy Fixes for Bad Teeth

Teeth problems are stressful and devastating. It could make one feel unsuccessful and ugly. You can get emotional with having bad teeth especially for teenagers who are more conscious on how they look. Bad teeth can be obtained naturally through birth or through accidents and injuries. Whatever the causes are, the result is still not good. Somewhere, somehow you feel that you have to get rid of those bad teeth. The desire for having perfect teeth probably was influenced by Read More