Let The Next Boston Band Rock Your World!

The Next Boston Band is an entertaining and fascinating eBook by the talented author, Michael Fertik. It is about Greater Boston’s top indie promoter, Mekhi Bessel, who is a likable rogue who is not above using trickery and cajoling to create concerts and events out of nothing. In Fertik’s book, Bessel finds himself on the wrong side of thugs called the Tygers brothers, who, as Fertik puts it, “cooked all the nightlife in Boston.” That is right as there is Read More

10 Relaxing Rock Songs

Panic stricken? Dead tired? Extremely anxious? Having difficulty sleeping? Head is swimming? No peace inside? Want an out? Listen to music! Music is considered to be an essential measure for relaxation. Many therapists use music as treatment. Mostly classical music is the prescribed medicine, but that doesn’t need to be a necessity. Below are 10 songs by rock bands and artists which have an intensely soothing effect on the nerves and will make you feel at peace. 1. Imagine – Read More