Eight Classic Rock Songs That Feature A Banjo

While attending a ball game recently, I had a minor disagreement with a fellow spectator. Our difference did not arise from a controversial managerial move or an umpire’s blown call, as one would expect at a baseball game. The classic hit “Lola” by the Kinks came across the loudspeaker between innings, and I made a comment to my daughter that I should learn to play the banjo part in that song. A guy sitting directly behind me, presumably a musician Read More

Rock Climbing – Types of Climbing

The sport of climbing has many different facets to it- something that those who are not a part of the sport might not realize. If you’re thinking of taking up rock climbing, it pays to first learn what you can about rock climbing and the types of climbing. Just like there are different types of climbing, there are different types of climbers. Some climbers try different types first to help them learn more about which type they may want to Read More