Rock Climbing Techniques – Avoiding a Flash Pump

It’s an old, familiar, rock climbing story. “I went to Millstone (a cliff in the UK’s Peak District) and headed straight for Bond Street (a classic HVS/5.8 climb). I was worried that, if I didn’t get on the climb right away, I’d wimp out.” “So how did it go?” I asked curiously. “A horror show,” my friend grinned ruefully. “For a start, I misjudged the size of the crack and tried to place the wrong pieces for protection. Before I Read More

Rock Bottom Mortgage Rate

In this article I have tried to dig deep into the business of ultra low mortgage interest rates. Let us concentrate on the pure profit and money part. For sometime, mortgages are being treated like a commodity. There is always a reason when someone starts a big-box store style mortgage business. The aim is two fold – first eliminate the competitors and then get all their businesses. The tactics in these types of businesses are – Advertise ultra low mortgage Read More