Rock, Paper, Scissors for Fencers

The Tactical Wheel is a progression of actions commonly used to teach tactics to fencers. Although there are significant issues in the use of the wheel in all three weapons, as a previous article of mine pointed out, it does serve to get fencers thinking about how to choose the right tactic at the right time to score a touch. But how does an instructor get the beginning or intermediate fencer to understand the relationships in this tool? One approach Read More

The Origins of Rock Climbing

The history of climbing is a recent history. Unlike many sports, climbing does not date back to ancient times. People tended to climb the steep faces of rocky cliffs only when they had to and now they do it because they want to do it. There was some rock climbing down as a part of Alpine mountaineering. This was done most for rescue type operations. It was not until the latter part of the 19th century that rock climbing was Read More