Book Review: "The Chitlin’ Circuit and the Road to Rock ‘N’ Roll"

This book review of “The Chitlin’ Circuit and the Road to Rock ‘N’ Roll” is provided for fans of music and history. It is a recommended read for anyone who appreciates the intersections of music and history. The book helps any music fan to share with others how today’s popular music evolved. It can also help self-declared fans of any of the following music forms: rock, jazz, blues, soul, and r&b gain a greater appreciation of both current and past Read More

Classic Rock – An Ideal Music Choice For the Work Place

Music is a universal language that speaks to everyone in one way or another. The melodies, harmonies, rhythms, and words blend together to create emotional connections, and music uses emotional connections to share experiences among people, regardless of their backgrounds. One of the wonderful things about music is the variety it offers to people. Nearly everyone can find some type of music that speaks to them, and that they can sing with in the car. Music is a part of Read More