Rock Stars Start With Cold Calling

In the past couple of weeks, I’ve watched two remarkable films: A Star is Born with Lady Gaga and Bohemian Rhapsody about Freddie Mercury and Queen. There’s always a lot to learn about success from rock stars. The most successful ones put in a huge amount of time and hard work to get to the top. In a recent interview with Stephen Colbert, Lady Gaga spoke about her early days: “I knew I had something to say and I knew Read More

Rock-Climbing During Pregnancy

“The fact that I’m three months pregnant doesn’t change anything.” – Catherine Destiville, preparing to solo the Old Man of Hoy seastack. There are few sports that you can start after pregnancy that you did not do before you became pregnant. However, if you were already rock climbing and you are not at risk with your pregnancy, there is a good chance you can continue rock-climbing during your pregnancy if you want to. Of course, you should always consult your OB Read More