Jello-Rock: A Football Greased Pig

Running backs that run less than a 4.5 in the 40 yard dash don’t get much respect and they generally get ignored by most college coaches and scouts. A running back in NFL has to meet that speed parameter just as a quarter back in the NFL has to meet the height parameter. It doesn’t seem to matter how you performed in college as a short quarterback or as a slow running back, the metrics are against you and these Read More

Image Consultant Advice for Rock Stars About Wardrobe and Hair

ROCK STARS Image consultant tips in this article will help rock stars and musicians to enhance their look. We focus on the important elements of wardrobe, hair, and jewelry. WARDROBE Keith Richards, Mick Jagger, Britney Spears, and Michael Jackson all used image consultants to improve their look. If you are a rock star or musician or, indeed, a creative person in any field, you can also improve your image. The first thing to change is your wardrobe. Select things that Read More