Rock Climbing Techniques – Failing Forward to Success

In rock climbing, as in every other area of human endeavor, you will only reach your maximum potential if you embrace the concept of failure. Sounds paradoxical, I know, but far too many rock climbers remain in their comfort zones, where you never fail… and you never get much better. The old rock climbing dictum was, “The leader never falls.” And, with terrible rock climbing protection, that dictum made good sense. Even today, in certain situations, it may still make Read More

Can Rock Fireplaces Provide A New Lease On Life?

They say that everything goes in cycles, but we can be thankful that some of the trends of the past have not made a comeback. Thankfully indoor fireplaces built from large boulders and faux rock are all but a distant memory. A lot of people remember having one growing up but no-one would dare admit to owning one now. Rock fireplaces are now making a come back, but not as you’d expect. Attempts in the 60s to bring the outside Read More