World’s Top 10 Textile Companies

Clothing and fashion are the basic human needs irrespective of the sporadic changes in the technologies happening all the time. The fashion has changed a lot over the last few decades. All across the world, there are thousands of companies and brands that work day and night to bring the latest fashion to their customers. Textile is the soul of every fashion. Let us discuss the Top 10 Textile Manufacturing Companies that are ruling the fashion world for decades. 1. Read More

Why the Law Is an Ass?

Do you know there is a saying called “the Law is an ass”? It is derived from an English proverb which likens the law’s stubbornness and stupidity to the supposed innate nature of a donkey. Charles Dickens popularised it in his novel “Oliver Twist” where Mr. Bumble is told in a court regarding his domineering wife that “… the law supposes that your wife acts under your direction”, replies: “If the law supposes that,” said Mr. Bumble, squeezing his hat Read More