The Glory of Sports Activities in Zimbabwe

Several sports and games are played in Zimbabwe and among them the most popular are Cricket, Rugby, Field hockey, Football and Golf. Cricket is the most popular among all of the afore mentioned games. Zimbabwe has produced many athletes competing international events but most of them belong to Zimbabwe So Harare is also a central zone for sports and games. Thousands of people come across this city and reserve their cheap flights to Zimbabwe in case of any major sports Read More

History of Soccer

As you probably know, soccer is the most played, watched and televised sport in the history of mankind. According to FIFA (Federation Internationale de Football Association) there are currently 270 million people that are actively involved in the game of football. (That is about 4% of the world population) So why has this sport become such a grand interest for me and people alike? What is the history behind this widely spectated event? Soccer which is referred as “football association” Read More