Can A Chiropractor Help With Sports Injuries?

Chiropractors specialise in the treatment of disorders of the musculoskeletal system. They use various techniques to treat common ailments arising from musculoskeletal disorders, including generalised back pain, leg pain, neck pain, arm pain, headaches, sacroiliac joint pain, and repetitive strain injury. Chiropractic care can also be beneficial for the treatment and prevention of sports injuries. This article will explain how a chiropractor can help you recover from a sports injury or make adjustments that reduce the risk of an injury Read More

What Is Sports Video Analysis

Sports Video Analysis or “Tagging” is a way of marking events in a videoed sports activity. Examples of events might be line-outs, scrums, goals, fouls, red or yellow cards, tennis serves, volleys, in fact any event in any sport. Events are recorded in a timeline showing the exact points in the match video the events happened, the timeline also shows how long each event lasted. An example of this might be volleys that happen in a tennis match. The analyst Read More