Homes For Sale – 7 Tips for Selling in a Slow Market

In the past decade home sales have gradually become a buyer’s market. Although this is good news for the buyer, it is becoming somewhat of a nightmare for those who are trying to sell their home. Because of this, sellers often have to dramatically drop the price of their homes in order to make the sale, resulting in huge losses. However, there are ways of increasing the chances of making the sale without the seller having to take a big Read More

For Sale By Owner – Ask Your Loan Officer To Help

For Sale By Owner So you want to sell your home. You don’t know what to do. You search the internet. You ask friends and relatives advice on how to go about doing this. You have a series of questions. What price should I ask for the home? How and where should I advertise it? How much should I spend on advertising? How long should I leave it on the market before I lower the price or should I list Read More