The Basics of a Point of Sale System (POS)

Point of sale (POS) can be referred to as a check-out or cash wrap and is usually the location in a store or restaurant where transactions for the exchange goods and services occur. A point of sale system typically refers to the physical electronic hardware and peripherals that are used to conduct a transaction. This hardware can include a cash register, a dedicated computer or even a mobile smart device such as a tablet computer. Value Added Resellers (VAR) interchangeably Read More

What is a Short Sale and How Does it Connect to the Foreclosure Process?

The term short sale has been brought up more and more in the real estate world as the property market has corrected to a more sustainable growth level. Depreciation of home values over the last few years has led to homes that are worth less than the mortgages that were used to finance the purchase. This situation coupled with a nationwide recession that has created the need for people to sell their homes despite being “underwater” has led to the Read More