Auto Sales Training – #1 Profit Leak – The Meet and Greet

We found that as many as 50% of the people coming to dealerships do not go through the sales process because they are lost in the very first step – the Meet and Greet. This happens when the salesperson says “can I help you?” or “What can I do for you today?” and the customer responds with, “I’m just looking.” Too many times this dialogue ends with the salesperson saying something like, “Ok, if you find anything you are interested Read More

Business Sales Close Plan – Milestones to Close the Deal

Being with my feet on the sales ground for 25 years in IT, I can recommend that many steps in the sales process need to be discussed and agreed internally and with the business customer to come to an agreed and signed contract. Following this sales process through a so called ‘Sales Close Plan’, describes all the necessary milestones that need to be agreed from a resource perspective, internally from a supplier perspective as well as from the business customer Read More