Benefits of Adding Jowar Rawa and Jowar Flour in Daily Recipes

Jowar is also known as the White Millet. It is a cereal grain popularly called as Sorghum. It contains 70 percent carbohydrates, 12 percent protein along with 3 percent fat and low vitamin content. It is economical and has excellent nutritive value. It is a rich source of dietary fibres and can be consumed daily. The high concentration of fibre helps lower the risk of obesity and elevated blood cholesterol. The fibres keep the stomach full and thus aid in Read More

Principles Of Church Growth In The Early Church

INTRODUCTION This article presents the concept of ‘church growth’ alongside evangelism mainly in the book of Acts. Whereas the Old Testament depicts evangelism as people coming to God, the Lucan perspective demonstrates that God’s servants will go to His people. Blauw’s thesis is that “a centripetal missionary consciousness becomes in Acts a centrifugal missionary activity…” (1974, 34). In George Orwell’s Animal Farm, the pigs looked from pig to man and vice versa but could not differentiate them in the very Read More