A Christian Home

Divine intelligence has designed the whole creation in such a way that “isolation” is a detestable aberration. This fact is sufficiently substantiated and accurately portrayed by the Omniscient Creator when He affirmed, “it is not good that man should be alone” (Genesis 2:18). By extended application, what is not good for the man is equally undesirable for the woman. Even in the kingdom of animals, whether aquatic or terrestrial, there is no such thing as a lone-ranger. Everybody comes from Read More

Killzone Mercenary: Beta Impressions

Everybody has a game or series that they just don’t quite “get”, something they have difficulty deciphering just what the fuss is all about. For me one of those franchises is the PlayStation exclusive first person shooter Killzone and, it seems I’m not alone in that view. I’ve always admired its universe, packed with striking World War 2 similarities and the powerful representation of a corrupt evil dictatorship lording over a civilization populated entirely by series antagonists the terrifying Helghast Read More