Dr D Martyn Lloyd-Jones on Sufficiency and Efficiency

That the Atonement has become a controversial doctrine no one will deny. That said, it is a fact that all theologians agree that the Gospel is to be proclaimed to all nations. But what does that mean? Does it mean that Christ in His death is a sufficient Saviour for the whole human race? What does that mean? Is the Gospel to be preached in the full knowledge that Christ’s finished work is, by design, sufficient to save the world, Read More

What Makes Zend An Unrivalled Framework For Contemporary Web Applications

The trend of websites and web applications is getting more prominent in businesses with every passing day and so is the demand for web app frameworks. It is mainly because web applications are using device-independent architecture that makes them operable on many devices. When web apps are easily made to run on the browser, it means businesses are able to market their products or services, provide flash sales, send out notifications, offer customer support and everything else. This is how Read More