Overflowing Love

Stories about new-born babies being thrown away in a refuse bin or a drain are every-day occurrences. Fortunately, most of these babies can be saved. I wonder what goes through a mother’s heart when she gets rid of her own flesh and blood in such a way. On the news I hear about a woman in New York who hid her pregnancy from her boyfriend. She gave birth in his flat and then threw the baby from the window. The Read More

Why It Is Necessary to Save Natural Resources and Embrace Solar Energy

There can be no denying the way that the world is an exceptionally grave circumstance because of the imminent lack of natural resources which is going to happen at some point or another. Electricity, which everything is subjected to, is created utilizing natural assets like petroleum, coal, and so on. Without such resources, electricity will likewise cease to exist. The most ideal approach to battle these circumstances, for example, is to grasp an alternate energy source which can offer the Read More