To Anyone Who Needs The Saving Power of Jesus Christ

Open your Bible to Romans 10:13 it says… For whosoever shall call upon the name of the Lord shall be saved. Go ahead and highlight that scripture. The Lord is not neglecting you and has not forgotten you. He’s waiting for you! He knows exactly what is going on in every situation that concerns you. If you have not received Christ as your Lord and Saviour, NOW IS THE TIME! Not because your behavior is perfect but because you need Read More

The Transforming Power of Bible Meditation

The subject of Bible meditation and its powerful positive benefits, which largely has to do with the changing of our minds to God’s Will, ways and purpose, is of utmost importance if we are going to experience and live in the blessings of God. So let us now take a look in God’s Word, the Bible, and see who God says we are in Christ Jesus, what God says we are in Christ Jesus and what God says is ours Read More