How to Avoid Side Effects of Air Conditioners

Air conditioners are indeed our saviour in the months where there is absolutely no respite from the heat. Now, air conditioners aren’t the innocent lambs you think they are! There are many side effects of air conditioners on health as well as on the environment. Most of the side effects are because people don’t know how to use or maintain them in the first place. So what are the side effects? Let’s discuss them. Five Side Effects of Air Conditioners Read More

How To Win Souls For Christ

Soul-winning is the heartbeat of God and it’s the ministry given to every Christian believer. However, for you to effectively win souls for Christ, you must learn how to do so. So, this article tells you how to win souls for Christ. For “whoever calls on the name of the LORD shall be saved.” How then shall they call on Him in whom they have not believed? And how shall they believe in Him of whom they have not heard? Read More