How to Make a Fortune Out of Your Passion?

BUILD YOUR OWN EMPIRE- Nothing is more inspiring than the person building his or her own fortune. You don’t get lucky just by sitting at home; everyone needs to step outside their comfort zone in order to achieve extraordinary things. In this age of technology, thousands of options are available at your doorstep, but you need to make a wise decision regarding your career choice. Don’t follow the herd, follow your passion and it will pay you back. SELECT YOUR Read More

Blessed to Be a Blessing – Unpacking the Cliche

Another cliché to tear apart… or put back together. A great truth it is… give with the right hand, wholeheartedly without reservation, leaving the left hand in the dark. But oh, so rare it is that we give with that kind of altruistic heart. Let’s be honest. Christians are called to this charity, but Christians are not impelled unless their hearts are transformed, and many an untransformed Christian calls Christ, Saviour. For them, he just isn’t Lord, let alone King. Read More