How Do You Define Yourself? A Christian Answer

Social progress and new ways of seeing a wide diversity as a basic right to our humanity – all sound very positive. But there is also a lot of confusion out there. New secular groups are persuading people to re-define themselves in a variety of ways. In this context there is space for a biblical Christian view. PRESSURE The Christian’s calling is to follow Jesus Christ and not let the pressure of the world squeeze us into the mould it Read More

Prophets Hear What God Is Saying and They Proclaim and Share That Specific Message

In our sweeping through the Bible seeking to have an overview of these past 6,000 years, we come to the prophets. Since the days of Moses there have been prophets – but it is when we come to around the year 700 B.C. that we have various books written by the prophets. Previously the words of the prophets are included in the content of the historical books. The prophets were very ordinary men – but they were given a BURDEN Read More