Harry Potter To Christians: It’s Not Good To Hear Voices

That is the popular and, thank God (if you’ll pardon the use of the G name) the politically correct feeling among most Christians today. You will recall that in the second book of the Potter series, The Chamber Of Secrets, Harry Potter alone heard the voice of the basilisk. When he confided in his two friends about it, one told him that even in the wizarding world, hearing voices is not a good thing. Like art imitating reality, can’t we Read More

Let’s Go Green With Nigeria At 50

Nigeria is among the countries of the world where the colour green plays a very important role. From the simple landscape to the exotic and untapped resources of the great nation, the colour green is not missing. Nigeria’s flag is a rectangular strip that is divided into three equal parts. The major colours are in green. This represents the county’s land and agricultural potential, while the white colour represents peace and unity. The Nigeria’s Coat of Arms is presented on Read More